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The specific purpose of this organization is to provide support for the care and education of preschool and elementary school age children in the City of San Diego, with emphasis on children who are in the Montessori system of education.
The organization shall be a service organization, open to all parents at Mission Bay Montessori Academy and shall collaborate with Mission Bay Montessori Academy to raise funds for projects that provide enrichment for children, and that will offer a forum for meeting other parents through participation in activities and events for family fun.
Education/ Classroom Enrichments
Smart Boards
School Assemblies
School Library
Classroom Field Trips

Did You Know
For over 30 years, generous parents like you have helped the MBMA Parents Group fund...
We Couldn't Do It Without All Your Support

Playground Supplies
Running Club
School Garden
Family Movie Night
Halloween Carnival
Thanksgiving Festivities

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